waysonweb.com 2.0 (coming soon…)

I bet you can’t wait! Here’s a sneak peak at the mock up Michelle and I working on with Photoshop.

I bet you can’t wait. Actually, since I’m the only person that reads this site, and I know I can’t wait, then it turns out I’m right! My wife is helping me out with the graphic design (since I am completely lacking in that department) and I’m working on the new site architecture. Here’s a sneak peak at the mock up we’re working on with Photoshop.

Once we’re happy with the design, I get to try and make my first (and hopefully last) Word Press Theme in order to bring this blog in visual alignment with the rest of the site. I spent some time today looking for inspiration from the WordPress Theme Viewer, and I have to say my favorite based on name alone would have to be Yaaarr, tis me blog!